Our FDA inspected public warehousing systems are flexible, providing the ability to efficiently scale up or down depending on your company or industry’s unique fluctuations. Working with Centennial is simple: We provide premium-warehousing facilities from private consumers to large-scale companies on an easy to use month-to-month basis.
Our warehouse and record storage is strategically located in Des Moines, Iowa, just off of Interstate Highways 35 and 80, the crossroads of America. More than 10 major metropolitan areas can be serviced by truck from Centennial Warehousing in less than a day, making us the perfect location to provide your warehousing needs. Our warehouse is temperature controlled, protected by sprinkler systems and monitored by a 24-hour security system. We offer:
We also offer a comprehensive range of value-added services, including kitting, returns management, display building, inserts, tagging, sorting, wrapping and bundling, providing you a single source solution to prepare products for market. General categories of products at Centennial Warehousing include:
We have been designated by the Federal Government as the ONLY Foreign Trade Zone in the Central Iowa area. Please, inquire as to the services and savings this can provide your company, specifically for items that may need further processing or may not be entering the United States commerce for sometime. Many of our customers consider us a consolidation warehouse. They utilize our services as a distribution center to receive better rates for delivery throughout the United States. Food and furniture manufacturers continually use our services in this manner. Contact Centennial Warehousing for more information on our warehousing services.
Open today | 07:30 am – 04:30 pm |